IR-Center Handelsblatt

Bellevue Asset Management AG

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EQS-News News vom 25.04.2017

Bellevue lauded with a total of six Lipper Awards

EQS Group-News: Bellevue Asset Management AG / Key word(s): Funds

25.04.2017 / 11:20

Press release April 25, 2017

Bellevue lauded with a total of six Lipper Awards

Bellevue Asset Management has won awards for best fund in the Equity Europe Small and Mid Caps, Swiss Equities and Healthcare Equities categories. StarCapital claimed three awards for its mixed-asset strategies.

Bravely going against the grain reaps its rewards in asset management, an area in which Bellevue Group specializes. The Group comprises Bellevue Asset Management and StarCapital and its strong performance has been rewarded with a total of six Thomson Reuters Lipper awards.

The Entrepreneur investment strategies also received two awards. The BB Entrepreneur Europe Small fund (ISIN LU0631859229) saw off competition from 66 other funds in the Equity Europe Small and Mid Caps over 3 years category. The BB Entrepreneur Switzerland fund (ISIN CH0023244368) won the Lipper Award for best fund over 10 years in the Equity Switzerland category. Bottom-up stock picking forms the cornerstone of the high-conviction approach pursued as part of the Entrepreneur investment philosophy, whereby the team focuses exclusively on listed owner-run businesses and family businesses. Bellevue recognized the advantages offered by these businesses at an early stage, and are pioneers in this niche market. "As has now been proven in multiple empirical studies, owner-run businesses are more profitable as shown by above-average returns in the long term," explains Entrepreneur strategy Lead Portfolio Manager, Birgitte Olsen.

This year's Lipper Fund Award in the Equity Sector Health Care over 3 years category went to the
BB Adamant Global Medtech & Services fund (ISIN CH0034334737). The high proportion of net assets allocated to the area of health care services, comprising the health insurance, hospitals and health care IT sectors, is one of the reasons that the fund outperformed the competition. Combined with innovative, large-cap medical device manufacturers, this area gave the portfolio stability in a volatile environment, in which drug manufacturers in particular were caught at a disadvantage.

The company-level Lipper Award in the "Mixed Assets Small" category went to StarCapital, which Bellevue Group acquired in 2016. Investment companies in this asset category with at least three different mixed-asset portfolios were eligible for selection. StarCapital's consistent performance in this asset category over the last 3 years helped it see off 71 competitors. Speaking about its most recent accolade, StarCapital CEO Alexander Gerstadt explains that, "For us, the award is proof positive that our anti-cyclical multi-asset strategy based on opportunism and not being tied down to benchmarks, a strategy reinforced by our in-house capital market research, is on the up and up". The two mixed-fund strategies StarCapital Windbonds plus (ISIN LU0256567925) over 10 years and StarCapital Huber Strategy 1 (LU0350239504) over 5 years managed to win out over the comparative group at product level, too.

For further information please contact:

Bellevue Asset Management AG, Seestrasse 16 / P.O. Box, CH-8700 Küsnacht/Zurich

Tanja Chicherio, Tel. +41 44 267 67 09,

Bellevue Asset Management

Bellevue Asset Management and its sister company StarCapital based in Oberursel outside Frankfurt, Germany are part of Bellevue Group, an independent, Swiss financial group with a registered office in Zurich and a listing on the Swiss Exchange SIX. Bellevue was established in 1993 and has since become a leading investment boutique with a focus on healthcare, regional strategies, multi-asset solutions and global equity and bond funds. Assets under management amount to CHF 9.4 billion.


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