IR-Center Handelsblatt

Comet Holding AG

News Detail

Ad hoc news News vom 22.04.2015

COMET Group: Resolutions of the 66th Annual Shareholder Meeting

Media release

Flamatt, 22 April 2015

Media release (PDF)

COMET Group: Resolutions of the 66th Annual Shareholder Meeting


The 66th Annual Shareholder Meeting of the COMET Group approved all of the Board of Directors' proposals, with one exception. The authorized capital was not renewed. The detailed resolutions are as follows.


The Annual Shareholder Meeting approved the annual report and the annual financial statements for 2014. Total retained earnings of CHF 55.9 million were carried forward to the new account. The proposal by the Board of Directors for the transfer of paid-in capital and the payment of CHF 11.00 per registered share from the distributable paid-in capital reserve was approved. Shareholders will receive the payment on April 28, 2015. Furthermore, the shareholders granted the Board of Directors and the Executive Board discharge for 2014.


The members of the Board of Directors standing for re-election, Hans Hess, Hans Leonz Notter, Lucas A. Grolimund, Rolf Huber and Prof. Dr. Gian-Luca Bona, once again received a vote of confidence and were subsequently re-elected for a term of office of one year until the Annual Shareholder Meeting in 2016. Hans Hess – Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2007 – was confirmed in office. Shareholders also confirmed Rolf Huber and Hans Leonz Notter as members of the Nomination & Compensation Committee. Ernst & Young AG was elected as the auditor for the financial year 2015, and Patrick Glauser, Fiduria AG, Berne, was elected as independent proxy up to and including the 2016 Annual Shareholder Meeting.


The Annual Shareholder Meeting also approved the amendments to the Articles of Association, which were implemented in view of the Ordinance Against Excessive Compensation at Listed Companies (OAEC), compensation-related provisions and the general revision of the Articles of Association.


The motion to renew the authorized capital was rejected. The COMET Group accordingly has no authorized capital at present.


Finally, shareholders approved the compensation to the Board of Directors for the forthcoming term of office, the fixed compensation to the Executive Board for the financial year 2016 as well as the variable compensation to the Executive Board for 2014.


The next Annual Shareholder Meeting of COMET Holding AG will be held on April 21, 2016, in Berne.


Media Relations:

Ines Najorka

Vice President Corporate Communications

+41 31 744 99 96




2015 corporate calendar:

August 20, 2015

Publication of the half-year report

November 24, 2015

Investor Day 2015



The COMET Group is one of the world’s leading vendors of x-ray, radio frequency (RF) and e-beam technology. With high-quality components, systems and services, the Group helps its customers maximize the quality, reliability and efficiency of their products and processes. COMET AG was founded in 1948. Based in Flamatt, Switzerland, the Group has a presence in all world markets. COMET’s stock (COTN) is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. COMET, YXLON and ebeam – each of the Group’s three strong brands serves different markets. YXLON x-ray systems for non-destructive testing are supplied to end customers in the automotive, aerospace and electronics sectors. Under the COMET brand, the company builds high-quality, high-tech components and modules, such as x-ray sources, vacuum capacitors, RF generators and impedance matching networks. These products are in demand by manufac turers in the automotive, aerospace, semiconductor and solar industries as well as in airport security applications. Under its “ebeam” brand, the Group offers very compact, powerful ebeam sets currently used especially in the non-contact sterilization of beverage packaging.