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DGAP-PVR News vom 24.09.2021

EVN AG: Release according to Article 135, Section 2 BörseG with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

24.09.2021 / 18:52
Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

EVN AG: Release pursuant to Sec. 135 para. 2 BörseG 2018

1. Issuer

EVN AG, EVN Platz, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf, Austria

2. Reason for the notification


3. Person subject to notification obligation

Acting in concert agreement (Sec. 133 No. 1 BörseG 2018)

First name Name/Surname City Country
  WIENER STADTWERKE GmbH Wien Österreich
  NÖ Landes-Beteiligungsholding GmbH St. Pölten Österreich

4. Name of shareholder(s)

WIENER STADTWERKE GmbH (FN 127783 t), Thomas-Klestil-Platz 13, 1030 Wien

Wien Energie GmbH (FN 215854 h), Thomas-Klestil-Platz 14, 1030 Wien

5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached

23 September 2021

6. Total positions

  % of voting rights attached to shares (7.A) % of voting rights through financial/other instruments (7.B.1 + 7.B.2) Total of both in % (7.A + 7.B) Total number of voting rights of issuer
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed / reached 79.36% 0.00% 79.36% 179,878,402
Position of previous notification (if applicable) 28.36% 0.00% 28.36%  

7. Details - Notified details of the resulting situation

7.A: Voting rights attached to shares

ISIN Code Number of voting rights Number of voting rights % of voting rights % of voting rights
ISIN Code Direct (Sec. 130 BörseG 2018) Indirect (Sec. 133 BörseG 2018) Direct (Sec. 130 BörseG 2018) Indirect (Sec. 133 BörseG 2018)
AT0000741053   142,753,346   79.36%
Subtotal A 142,753,346 79.36%

7.B.1: Financial / Other instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 no. 1 BörseG 2018

Type of instrument Expiration Date Exercise Period Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised % of voting rights
    Subtotal B.1    

7.B.2 Financial / Other instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 no. 2 BörseG 2018

Type of instrument Expiration Date Exercise Period Physical / Cash Settlement Number of voting rights % of voting rights
      Subtotal B.2    

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity.

No. Name Directly controlled by No. Shares held directly (%) Financial/other instruments held directly (%) Total (%)
1 Stadt Wien        
2 Land Niederösterreich        
3 WIENER STADTWERKE GmbH 1 28.35%   28.35%
4 Wien Energie GmbH 3 0.01%   0.01%
5 NÖ Holding GmbH 2      
6 NÖ Landes-Beteiligungsholding GmbH 5 51.00%   51.00%

9. In case of proxy voting

Date of the general meeting: -
Voting rights after general meeting: - is equivalent to - voting rights

10. Additional information

Die NÖ Landes-Beteiligungsholding GmbH ('NLH'), FN 248050 f, die zum heutigen Tag 91.737.986 Aktien an der EVN AG hält, und die WIENER STADTWERKE GmbH ('WSTW'), FN 127783 t, die zum heutigen Tag (direkt und indirekt) 51.015.360 Aktien an der EVN AG hält, haben am heutigen Tag einen Vertrag über die Bildung einer steuerlichen Beteiligungsgemeinschaft (Beteiligungssyndikat gemäß § 9 (3) letzter Spiegelstrich KStG) abgeschlossen, wobei seitens WSTW nur die von ihr direkt gehaltenen 51.004.400 Aktien an der EVN AG von dieser Syndizierung umfasst sind. Dieser Vertrag sieht grundsätzlich eine syndizierte Ausübung der Stimmrechte von NLH und WSTW in Hauptversammlungen der EVN AG vor, bildet aber das sich ohnehin nach Gesetz und/oder Satzung auf Grund des jeweiligen Aktienbesitzes von NLH und WSTW ergebende Stimmgewicht in der Hauptversammlung ab (im Ergebnis verfügt NLH weiterhin über die einfache (nicht aber eine qualifizierte) Mehrheit und WSTW weiterhin über eine Sperrminorität). Der 1. Senat der Übernahmekommission hat am 31.08.2021 in einer Stellungnahme gemäß § 29 Abs 1 ÜbG ausgesprochen, dass NLH und WSTW auf Grund dieses Vertragsabschlusses als gemeinsam vorgehende Rechtsträger iSv § 1 Z 6 ÜbG zu qualifizieren sind, ein Pflichtangebot gemäß §§ 22 ff ÜbG betreffend Aktien an der EVN AG dadurch allerdings nicht ausgelöst wird, weil die Ausnahme nach § 24 Abs 3 Z 4 ÜbG einschlägig ist.


NÖ Landes-Beteiligungsholding GmbH ('NLH'), FN 248050 f, which holds 91,737,986 shares in EVN AG as of today, and WIENER STADTWERKE GmbH ('WSTW'), FN 127783 t, which holds (directly and indirectly) 51,015,360 shares in EVN AG as of today, have entered into an agreement on the formation of a tax participation syndicate (participation syndicate pursuant to section 9 (3) last indent Austrian Corporate Income Tax Act (KStG)) today, whereby on the part of WSTW only the 50,004,400 shares in EVN AG directly held by WSTW are covered by this syndicate. In principle, this agreement provides for a syndicated exercise of the voting rights of NLH and WSTW in the general meetings of EVN AG, but simply reflects the voting weight in a general meeting resulting from the respective shareholdings of NLH and WSTW according to applicable law and/or the articles of association (as a result, NLH continues to have a simple (but not a qualified) majority and WSTW continues to have a blocking minority). On 31 August 2021, the 1st senate of the Austrian Takeover Commission issued an opinion pursuant to section 29 para 1 Austrian Takeover Act (ÜbG) stating that NLH and WSTW are to be qualified as parties acting in concert within the meaning of section 1 no 6 Austrian Takeover Act as a result of entering into that agreement, but that a mandatory bid pursuant to sections 22 et seq. Austrian Takeover Act with respect to shares in EVN AG is not triggered by that because the exception pursuant to section 24 para 3 no 4 Austrian Takeover Act applies.

Maria Enzersdorf, 24 September 2021

Issuer: EVN AG
EVN Platz
2344 Maria Enzersdorf, Austria

Gerald Reidinger
Head of Controlling and Investor Relations
Phone: + 43 2236 200-12698

Stefan Zach
Head of Information and Communication
Phone: +43 2236 200-12294

ISIN(s): AT0000741053
Stock exchanges: Official trade in Vienna

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