16 May 2017 – The Annual General Meeting of Evolva Holding SA (SIX: EVE) has approved all items that were voted on. Responding to shareholder input over the last two weeks, and with the consent of the meeting, the Board withdrew three proposals related to authorised and conditional capital increases. These withdrawals have no effect on immediate business operations, as the company has valid authorisations from the 2016 AGM that enable it to both raise finance up to an approved level and meet commitments to staff. Based on the withdrawal of three agenda items, trading in the Evolva shares has been suspended throughout the AGM.
A total of 213 shareholders were present at the meeting which took place in Rheinfelden today. 93,451,607 shares were represented, or 22.0% of the total number of shares issued (424,202,463). As proposed by the Board, Gerard Hoetmer was elected as new Chairman.
A detailed overview of the agenda items and the proposals is available on the Evolva website.
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About Evolva
Evolva solves the supply chain issues of nature through a 21st century mix of biotechnology and brewing. We develop, make and sell natural ingredients that provide significant benefits to people in daily life, but whose supply chain issues have limited their use until now. Our flagship ingredients are stevia, nootkatone and resveratrol, but we work on many more, both on our own behalf and with others. To make our world sustainable requires nature and technology to work together as one, and our aim is to play a (small) part in achieving this transformation. We operate internationally. For more information see www.evolva.com. Questions about our approach? Have a look at our video.
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