IR-Center Handelsblatt

HBM Healthcare Investments AG

News Detail

EQS-News News vom 03.01.2020

HBM Healthcare Investments achieves high value growth in calendar year 2019: Net asset value per share (NAV) +33%, share price +48%

 HBM Healthcare Investments benefited from its well developing investments in private and public companies and achieved a high value increase in a friendly market environment in calendar year 2019: The net asset value per share (NAV) rose by 33.0 percent to CHF 220.17 as at 31 December 2019. The share price increased by 48.0 percent and closed at CHF 222.50 with a small premium to the NAV.


Private companies (value growth through IPOs and revaluations due to financing rounds) and listed companies contributed to the increase in value in roughly equal parts.


The carefully compiled portfolio has potential for further value growth. Of the net assets of CHF 1.53 billion, 45% is attributable to private companies, milestonesy and funds, 54% to listed companies (or 47% after market hedging) and 18% to cash (or 11% after deduction of the repurchase obligation from market hedging). Market hedging was continuously increased in the fourth quarter of 2019 to just over one-eighth of the portfolio value of the listed companies. The level of current and non-current liabilities remains moderate at just under 10%.


Expected net profit of approximately CHF 265 million for the first 9 months of financial year 2019/2020

For the first nine months of the 2019/2020 financial year ending 31 March, the net asset value per share increased by 20.2 percent and the share price rose by 36.3 percent. Based on the reported NAV as of 31 December 2019, HBM Healthcare Investments expects a significantly higher net profit of approximately CHF 265 million for the first 9 months of the financial year. In the same period of the previous year, net profit amounted to CHF 81.3 million.


This is a preliminary result based on the current status of the closing process. The final numbers will be published on 24 January 2020 with the quarterly report December 2019.



For further information, please contact Dr Andreas Wicki on +41 41 710 75 77, or at