IR-Center Handelsblatt

Helvetica Property Investors AG

News Detail

EQS-News News vom 14.08.2020

Helvetica Property: Successful acquisition of a special pharmaceutical logistics property by Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund - further investment properties in the final phase of the acquisition review

08/14/2020, HSO Fund Press releases

Zurich, 14 August 2020 - As planned, the fund management company Helvetica Property was able to transfer a special logistics property purchased in November 2019 to the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund (HSO Fund). The property, which was newly constructed in 2020 by Methabau, has a market value of around CHF 15.2 million and is fully let to a European pharmaceutical logistics company on a long-term 15-year lease agreement.

The property with 5,900 square meters of lettable space is let to NextPharma Logistics GmbH. The company will use the building as a pharmaceutical distribution warehouse for Switzerland. The annual rental income amounts to approximately CHF 0.7 million and the lease agreement runs without break option until 2035.

As originally planned, the building was completed and handed over to the tenant in July 2020. This meant that there was nothing to hinder the takeover by the HSO Fund. As agreed in the contract, the property was transferred to the portfolio of the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund on 10 August 2020 with effect on income upon payment of the remaining purchase price.

The portfolio value of the HSO Fund thus increases to around CHF 66 million. The fund management company is working on the acquisition of further properties, which will further improve the diversification of the fund launched in November 2019.

The fund management company expects a positive result for the first half of 2020. The revaluation result will be positive. The detailed semi-annual report 2020 for the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund will be published on 31 August 2020.

Based on the provisional good result, despite the COVID-19 related restrictions, and the positive assessment for the current half year, as well as the assumption that further attractive properties can be purchased in Q4 2020, the fund management company currently expects a dividend distribution for the 2020 financial year in the range of CHF 4.50 to 4.75 per fund share.


Media contact

Michael Müller
Chief Executive Officer
T +41 43 544 70 80

Frederic Königsegg
Chief Investment Officer
+41 43 544 70 83

All press releases can be found under

About Helvetica
Helvetica Property is a leading Real Estate Fund and Asset Management firm. We deliver sustainable value to our clients through active, long-term ownership of safe and stable real estate investments. With a fully integrated real estate investment platform, we can provide both standardized investment products and customized investment plans. We are proud of our longstanding reputation for outstanding client service and dedication to responsible ownership. Our Firm is approved and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.

Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund
The HSO Fund is a Swiss real estate fund open exclusively to qualified investors. The HSO Fund invests in special purpose properties in the Swiss economic centres. The focus is on fully let properties with long-term leases and few tenants generating stable income. The investment objective is mainly the long-term preservation of value and the distribution of reasonable profits. The fund shares units can be traded over the counter through Bank J. Safra Sarasin. The HSO Fund is approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, FINMA.

Ticker Symbol HSO; security 43472505; ISIN CH0434725054.