Group Development in the First Half of 2018
- Compared to the previous year, EBIT improved from CHF -2.6 million to CHF 2.7 million.
- Consolidated total assets as of June 30, 2018 were virtually unchanged at CHF 927.1 million compared with December 31, 2017 (CHF 926.2 million).
- While current assets fell by CHF 133.8 million due to the discontinuation of the bank guarantee for the takeover offer, which was deposited in cash, non-current assets increased by CHF 134.7 million. This development resulted chiefly from the first-time consolidation of Constantin Medien AG by Highlight Communications AG, which led to a significant rise in intangible assets and goodwill.
- Equity decreased by CHF 100.6 million to CHF 411.1 million due to a decline in non-controlling interests. This was attributable to the increase in the interest in Highlight Communications AG from 25% to 44.71%.
The detailed 2018 Half-Year Report is available at
Contact information:
Highlight Event and Entertainment AG
Netzibodenstrasse 23b
4133 Pratteln
Tel.: +41 41 226 05 97
Fax: +41 41 226 05 98