Press Release Jungfraubahn Holding AG |
Monday, 18 May 2020 |
AGM of Jungfraubahn Holding AG held without physical attendance of the shareholders
Jungfraubahn Holding AG held this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday, 18 May 2020, without the physical attendance of its shareholders. It took place on the premises of the Jungfrau Railways management in Interlaken.
The AGM of Jungfraubahn Holding AG was held in accordance with the COVID-19 Ordinance 2, in compliance with the prohibition on gatherings. Consequently, it took place with no physical participation by shareholders whatsoever. Shareholders were informed about the format of the General Meeting and the voting procedure by personal invitation and publication in accordance with the Articles of Association.
Resolutions passed at the General Meeting of Jungfraubahn Holding AG:
Item 1 - Annual report
The annual report, management report and consolidated financial statements for 2019 were approved.
Item 2 - Use of balance sheet profit and decision on dividends
No distribution of dividends and balance sheet profit of CHF 91,211,158 to be carried over to new account.
Item 3 - Granting of discharge to members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board
Members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board were granted discharge.
Item 4 - Election of the Board of Directors (Chairman / Members)
a) Chairman
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger was re-elected Chairman of the Board of Directors for a term in office lasting until the next Annual General Meeting.
b) Members
Peter Baumann, Nils Graf, Dr. iur. Catrina Luchsinger Gähwiler, Heinz Karrer, Hanspeter Rüfenacht and Ueli Winzenried were individually elected as members of the Board of Directors for a term in office lasting until the next Annual General Meeting.
Item 5 - Election of the Remuneration Committee
Peter Baumann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger and Hanspeter Rüfenacht were individually elected to the Remuneration Committee for a term in office lasting until the next Annual General Meeting.
Item 6 - Approval of the total sum of future remuneration
a) Board of Directors
A maximum sum (total including employer social security contributions) of CHF 820,000 was approved for the remuneration of the Board of Directors until the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
b) Executive Board
A maximum sum (total including employer social security contributions) of CHF 3,000,000 was approved for the remuneration of the Executive Board for the 2021 financial year.
Item 7 - Election of an independent proxy
a) Independent proxy
Notary Public Adrian Glatthard was elected independent proxy for the Annual General Meeting 2021 and for any extraordinary general meetings taking place in the period until then.
b) Deputy independent proxy
Notary Public Melchior Schläppi was elected deputy independent proxy, should Notary Public Adrian Glatthard be unavailable for preparation and participation for the Annual General Meeting 2021 and for any extraordinary general meetings taking place in the period until then.
Item 8 - Election of auditors
BDO AG, Bern elected as auditors for one year.
In total 4818 shareholders voted. 69.4% of the voting share capital were represented. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairman thanks for the interest in the Jungfrau Railway Group.