The office property located at Av. de Morgines 8/10 in Petit-Lancy (around 14’000 m2 letting area) has been sold for CHF 55 million to a subsidiary of Epic Suisse AG.
The sale results in a vacancy reduction of the whole portfolio by 1.2 percentage points (as per end of March 2018, the vacancy rate was 8.5%). PSP Swiss Property will communicate an updated vacancy forecast for the year-end 2018 in the context of its H1 2018 release on 17 August 2018.
Despite this sale, Geneva remains a key market for PSP Swiss Property – as known, a prime real estate portfolio with several properties located in Geneva’s banking district was acquired early February 2018.
Further information
Adrian Murer, CIO · Phone +41 (0)44 625 55 77 · Mobile +41 (0)76 420 26 27
Vasco Cecchini, CCO · Phone +41 (0)44 625 57 23 · Mobile +41 (0)79 650 84 32