IR-Center Handelsblatt

Sixt SE

News Detail

Pressemitteilung vom 01.05.2022

Sixt SE: Sixt contains cyber-attack - central IT systems up and running to ensure business continuity

Pullach, 1 May 2022 - Sixt SE IT security detected IT irregularities on April 29th, 2022. Response measures were implemented immediately in accordance with pre-planned security protocols. Subsequently, it has been confirmed that Sixt SE was subject to a cyber-attack, which Sixt was able to contain at an early stage.   

As a standard precautionary measure, access to IT systems was immediately restricted and the pre-planned recovery processes were initiated. Many central Sixt systems, in particular the website and apps were kept up and running. Thereby, impacts on the company, its operations and services have been minimized to provide business continuity for customers. However, temporary disruptions, in particular in customer care centers and selective branches, are likely to occur in the short term.   

Nevertheless, Sixt is taking this incident seriously and has implemented a thorough investigation with internal and external experts. 

Sixt will provide further updates as soon as more information is available and asks customers for their understanding and patience. 

Press contact:
Sixt SE
Kathrin Greven
Sixt Central Press Office
Tel.: +49 - (0)89 - 74444 6700