IR-Center Handelsblatt

Royal KPN N.V.

News Detail

Press release News vom 21.10.2015

BASE Company settles procedures against Proximus

Today, Royal KPN N.V. ("KPN") announces that KPN, BASE Company, Mobistar and Proximus have agreed to settle all outstanding litigation between BASE Company, Mobistar and Proximus related to the practice of applying tariffs from the past for mobile telecommunication services that are differentiated between on-net[1] and off-net[2] voice communications.

The settlement proceeds amount to EUR 120m of which EUR 66m is paid to BASE Company and the remainder to Mobistar. As announced in the press release on 20 April 2015, KPN will sell BASE Company to Telenet. As part of the agreement KPN will be entitled to the majority of the settlement proceeds of BASE Company.

Further terms and conditions of the settlement agreement remain confidential.

[1] Mobile communications that originate and terminate on one and the same mobile network

[2] Mobile communications that originate on a mobile network and that are terminated on another network, be it another mobile network or a fixed network