8 August 2018
Tern Plc ("Tern" or the "Company")
Updated Director Information
Tern Plc (AIM:TERN), the investment company specialising in the Internet of Things ("IoT"), announces that in relation to the appointment of Bruce Leith, a circular dated 31 July 2013 (the "Circular") omitted the following directorships of businesses which became insolvent whilst he was or within 12 months of ceasing to be a director:
Pixelearning Limited CVL 2012. The shortfall to creditors was estimated to be £259,979.
Intellego Holdings plc (Digital Learning Marketplace plc from 4 January 2012) CVA 2010, CVA 2012.
Intellego PDP Limited CVA 2012. The shortfall to creditors was estimated to be £1,313,904.
In addition, subsequent to the Circular, the following businesses of which Bruce Leith was a director became insolvent:
Telrock Technolgies Limited CVL 2015. The estimated total deficit or surplus as regards members has not been concluded.
Intellego PDP Limited CVL 2014.
In relation to the appointment of Ian Ritchie, the RNS dated 1 June 2017 omitted the following directorships of businesses which became insolvent whilst he was or within 12 months of ceasing to be a director:
F7 Technology Limited 2007. The shortfall to creditors was estimated to be £153,393.
The Electronic Book Factory Limited CVL 1995. The total shortfall to creditors was estimated to be £100,000.
OWL International Limited CVL 1992. The total shortfall to creditors was estimated to be £357,191.
New Media Factory Limited CVL 1998. The total shortfall to creditors was estimated to be £257,800.
VIS Interactive plc CVL 2007.
VIS ITV Limited 2004.
Mindwarp Pavilion Limited CVL 2003.
Tern Plc
Al Sisto/Sarah Payne
via Redleaf
WH Ireland
(NOMAD and Joint Broker)
Mike Coe/Ed Allsopp
Tel: 0117 945 3470
Whitman Howard
(Joint Broker)
Nick Lovering/Christopher Furness
Tel: 020 7659 1234
Redleaf Communications
Elisabeth Cowell/Fiona Norman
Tel: 020 3757 6880